Following Year Out Drama, Milly Thomas went on to Bristol University and then the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where she began writing alongside acting. She graduated in 2014 with a BA (Hons) in Acting. Milly’s first full-length play, A First World Problem, opened at Theatre503 in July 2014 to critical acclaim. Her play Clickbait opened in the 2016 spring season at Theatre503. She has most recently written an episode of a brand new BBC3 series, Clique, which aired earlier this year. Milly’s latest project, Dust, is a solo show premiering at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Milly is also an improviser and member of the improvisation troupe ‘The Beau Zeaux’. She also performs regularly as an improviser for ‘Voices In Your Head’. Both shows are co-productions of The Spontaneity Shop and SO Television. Her acting credits include playing Joan of Arc, in a film documentary alongside Jim Broadbent, directed by Russell Holt and appearing in the iconic Downton Abbey.
Milly won an award from The Stage for her performance in Dust at the Edinburgh Fringe.